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Memo-Structural Landscapes

ecem - 1 Eylül 2019 - 0 comments

Doç.Dr. Ebru Erbaş Gürler tarafından açılan İTÜ 2019-2020 Güz Dönemi Peyzaj Mimarlığı Stüdyosu I-II’nin (CRN: 12998 – 13006) konuları açıklandı.

Çalışma yeri olarak Mardin’in Savur ilçesi olan proje Doç. Dr. Ebru Erbaş Gürler’in ana yürütücülüğünde, ofisimiz kurucularından Peyzaj Mimarı Mehmet Cemil Aktaş’ın katılımlarıyla gerçekleşmiştir. Projenin ana konusu hafıza tabanlı peyzajlar olarak seçilmiştir. Konu ile ilgili detaylı bilgiye aşağıdaki metinden ulaşabilirsiniz.


Memo-Structural Landscapes

Savur, Mardin is selected as a project area for the 2019-2020 Landscape Design Studio I-II. Savur hosted various civilizations in the historical process. The daily life in the town is shaped by the building forms are compatible with the natural topography of the place; living spaces arising from the intersections of the buildings; traditional production methods coming from the social life. For this reason, Savur offers an important potential for understanding the relationship between place and landscape, reading the memory of landscape and experiencing the contextual space-making practices.
Landscape memory refers to the memory records of a landscape. In this sense, for example, natural memory codes (geomorphology, climatic history, flora traces formed after a flood etc.) and anthropogenic memory codes (architectural structures, natural walkways, place names, oral history, art products etc.) refer to memory codes of a landscape. The natural and cultural memory structures help us to read a landscape together. Because landscape reflects the entire cultural activites between nature and space (Gürler, 2016). These records are also important inputs for our design practices. Because the existence and continuity of these memory records increases the place attachment and sense of the place.

The main goal of the project is thinking about the space-landscape relationship in relation to landscape memory and conducting design practices on that relationship. The objectives of the project as follows;

  • To reveal the landscape memory layers,
  • To make a personal contact with space and explore tangible and intangible structures in landscape,
  • To collect the exploring processes in landscape with hybrid recording methods,
  • To take and interpret memory layers as a data for design practices.


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